Interior & Exterior Painting Services
Before painting, we like to prepare the area where we’ll be working by performing drywall repairs or wallpaper removal services indoors and power washing services outdoors to ensure that the area is clean and ready.
Over the years, we have learned different formulas, tools, and techniques that are used when performing either exterior painting or interior painting services including walls, baseboards, and cabinet painting to ensure a beautiful long-lasting appearance on your property.
Contact us today! We are committed to a strong work ethic and our passion for keeping up with the latest innovations in our industry.
Residential and Commercial Painting
Whether you are painting your new home, or business or just for maintenance purposes. At Mendez 3 Contractor LLC, we offer different solutions through personalized assistance and customized prices. Our vision is to capture your dreams and enhance your lifestyle by adding color to your world!
Even though you can perform this task on your own, it’s best to have a reliable contractor who can smoothly take care of this. We have the required willingness, knowledge, and tools to handle any of your projects; no matter how big or small they are.
Get a free quote! Our professional painters will get to your property and make an audit based on the layout, the current condition, and your budget.
Power Washing
Get rid of that annoying loose paint and if you’re having troubles related to mold growth, grime, dust, mud, and dirt on any of the surfaces of your property, hire our power washing services, with our high-pressure water spray, we will effectively remove any of these to help you recover the brilliance and aesthetic appeal of your property.
Call now! Our professional team of pressure washers follows specific steps to ensure high-quality and timely results.